!9#: Meade ETX125EC Telescope w/Electronic Controller
When the original ETX telescope, the ETX-90RA, was introduced in 1996, it quickly created a revolution in amateur astronomy. Here for the first time was an ultraportable and highly versatile telescope system of unprecedented optical resolution and performance. Within a year of its introduction the ETX became the top-selling modern telescope in the world.
Manufactured entirely at Meade's Irvine, California, facility, ETX Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes produce optical performance and resolution that equal or exceed any Maksutov optics of similar apertures ever manufactured at any price, past or present. Their optics are so high in contrast, image brightness, and resolution that the ETX-90EC and ETX-125EC often outperform many telescopes of larger apertures. These models build on the original ETX concept to create the most advanced electronically controlled telescopes--including optional automatic go-to-object location with the Autostar computer controller--ever produced in their price range. And yet they don't sacrifice any of the user-friendly features that started the ETX revolution.
With twice the light-collecting area of the Meade ETX-90EC, the Meade ETX-125EC permits a much broader range of astronomical study. Jupiter's cloud belts, for example, are observable at a significantly heightened level of detail, with whirls and festoons and the Great Red Spot readily visible as they transit the planet's disc. The Cassini division in Saturn's rings is routinely seen, as are additional features of the planet's surface, even under less than perfect seeing conditions. Microfine lunar detail beyond the reach of smaller telescopes can be resolved in the Meade ETX-125EC. Looking to deep space, the ETX-125EC's larger aperture enables the observation of galaxies and nebulae in much wider extension. The entire Messier listing of 110 objects is now not only visible, but every object additionally takes on a readily discernible structure.
The observer who accepts astronomy as a serious field of interest will find the Meade ETX-125EC a deeply satisfying instrument for a lifetime of high-resolution astronomical study.
- 500x maximum magnification
- Fork mounts with standard-equipment dual-axis drive system and electronic controller
- Altazimuth or equatorial operation
- Cordless field operation
- Flip-mirror system
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